
In the face of a rapidly evolving technology, many schools lag behind due to outdated curricula, limited resources, and a tech skills gap. Stemi addresses these challenges by establishing a collaborative ecosystem between the tech industry, educators, and students.


Developed in collaboration with industry leaders and driven by community feedback, our programs are constantly evolving, ensuring that students acquire relevant skills and prepare for future technological challenges. By going through the courses and programs on the Stemi LAB platform, students don't just learn; they innovate and create, building a bridge between academic learning and real-world tech applications.


Our programs are entirely project-based with the goal of creating a real tech product for solving global challenges. In the Robotics program, students prepare a hexapod robot for Mars exploration, while in the Artificial Intelligence program students develop an AI-based chatbot for solving problems in their local communities.

Stemi programs:

create an AI chatbot

create an AI chatbot

grade: 5-12
level: beginner
modularity: per units
units length: 7-22h
knowledge requirements: none

class management:
class materials:
teacher training:
in-action coaching:

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create an AI chatbot logo

send robot to Mars

send robot to Mars

grade: 6-12
level: beginner
modularity: per units
units length: 2-20h
knowledge requirements: none

class management:
class materials:
teacher training:
in-action coaching:

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send robot to Mars logo

create smart garden

create smart garden

grade: 6-12
level: intermediate
modularity: per units
units length: 2-20h
knowledge requirements: none

class management:
class materials:
teacher training:
in-action coaching:

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create smart garden logo


Marin Trošelj

Marin Trošelj


The key is to develop passion, creativity, curiosity and hunger for knowledge. In other words, if the exam can be completely solved using artificial intelligence, the exam needs to be changed